Why Learning the Chakra System is Key to Conscious Development
What does it mean to truly understand yourself? For centuries, humanity has explored its depths, searching for a framework that ties together the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our lives. The Chakra system, long confined to the mystical, might...
What is the Expansion Method?
The Expansion Method is a set of techniques created by Dr. Shai Tubali. It combines modern psychology and ancient yogic wisdom. This method helps people heal from deep emotional pain and trauma. It also improves mental clarity and well-being by resolving emotional...
Lesson 2: Perseverance and loyalty
Stay loyal to the path of truth even after the ‘honeymoon’ is over and the real challenges begin. The path opens up only to those who remain focused and are ready to step out of their comfort zone. Once you humbly pass through the gateway of the maze, a whole new and...
Lesson 1: Humbleness
Acknowledge your inherent ignorance and limitation and suspend your current sense of knowing. Make space for something new and the unknown, and invite your guides and teachers to show you the way. In our western world, we all want not only to merely survive but also...
The lessons on the path of a spiritual seeker
Introduction The spiritual path can be described in many ways, but for me it is like a maze, a mystery out there to unravel, discover, manifest, and eventually lead us to its center, into our innermost self and to the ultimate maturation of spirit, mind and body....
The invincible summer in the depth of winter
“When you have once seen the glow of happiness on the face of a beloved person, you know that a man can have no vocation but to awaken that light on the faces surrounding him. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible...
The importance of cultivating resilience in times of challenge
We are all dealing nowadays with the great challenge imposed on our lives by the Coronavirus. There are many aspects to this phenomenon and it is very demanding and difficult to handle on so many levels. In times like this, we need more than ever the gifts and wisdom...
The Truth Behind Our Negative Emotions
Many people who come to my clinic suffer from emotional imbalances. It manifests in many forms, but to put it simply – they all have n overload of negativity in their system. We harbor so much unprocessed emotional baggage and it makes us feel often like...
How to avoid the creation of trauma?
Trauma is a moment of a significant loss of power; it is anytime we find ourselves helpless, frozen, shocked and paralyzed from the inside. It is that moment you came back from school, proudly wishing to share your grades with your parents, only to hear them ask: 'but...

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