Emotional Evolution

Discover the Alchemy of the Emotional Body

Heal – Mature – Evolve | 3-month Mentoring program

Life poses many moments of hardship and stress. The volume of challenges we need to face as young people and adults can propel some of us towards self-growth and self-mastery but for some of us it can also lead to great difficulties and breakdowns.

Often, we become too emotional and personal, and lose our clarity, objectivity and ability to respond to life’s numerous challenges with grace and accuracy. Being over-emotional or simply immature emotionally can cause much damage and havoc.

As you are the center of everything you do and say, when there isn’t sufficient inner harmony and stability, everything in your life can suffer.



In your private and professional life, you might be dealing with these challenges:


  • Feeling overwhelmed with negative and heavy emotions
  • Find it hard to forgive and let go and unable to flow in the now
  • Feeling over-sensitive and taking things too personally
  • In moments of pressure and conflict, feeling small, vulnerable and weak
  • Experiencing conflicts and friction with partner/friends/colleges as a threat
  • Feeling anxious and fearful dealing with authorities
  • Feeling often disappointed, heart-broken and overloaded with pain
  • Feeling alone, misunderstood, mistreated and unable to change your emotional reality

If you can recognize yourself in some of these examples, it means you are dealing with an immature and dysfunctional emotional system that blocks your path towards success. You might think it is ‘just normal’ because many people share this paradigm, but it is not so. You can enjoy a stable, open and balanced emotional state and learn to use emotions at will rather than being manipulated and controlled by them.

Healing and maturing the emotional system was one of the greatest challenges in my life.

I was born with a highly explosive and extreme emotional system and could move from utter despair and agony to being deeply joyful. There were times of heavy depressions and serious difficulty to get out of bed and there were times of excruciating pain and sorrow. I was going up and down the emotional seesaw and found it difficult to be in control. When I met with the possibility to stabilize and mature the emotional body through inner-work, I committed myself to a deep healing and evolutionary process.

At the end of it I couldn’t believe the transformation that had taken place. I found tremendous peace within and anchored myself in the open and ever accepting heart. The drama faded out and everything became much more solid and calm. Finally, I could stir the ship of my life through stillness rather than storm.


Once I was sure of the irreversible changes I have gone through, it became crystal clear that I need to illuminate the path for other people’s evolution process. I have placed the most significant techniques and tools that magically transformed me into the cauldron.

I brewed it while adding intuition, love and wisdom, and gave birth to a clear, gradual process that can assist any person who wishes to mature their emotional body and enjoy a far greater quality of life, within and without. 

This program is designed to:

  • Restore balance in the emotional system through trauma healing and thorough cleansing of past imprints and blockages. 
  • Remove negative emotions through deep understanding and inquiry.
  • Uproot the victim-identity and replace it with conscious self-authority.
  • Heal the inner child and help it integrate with the grownup you are.
  • Teach you how to harness emotions for your evolutionary process – learn how to use emotions and not being used by them.
  • Develop access to non-causal positive emotions and becoming free of dependency.
  • Open and develop your heart-center so it can become a real source of power and stability.
  • Increase positive emotions in your system for higher wellbeing and health.

Enjoying a stable and calm emotional system does not mean you cannot feel anymore or that your emotions are numb. On the contrary – the calmness and steadiness allows a richer and far more subtle ability to feel deeply and meaningfully.

You are not afraid to feel great sadness and compassion for it is part of the open heart, and you are not trying to minimize your bliss and joy when there is a wave of happiness going through you. 

“Over the last ten years, I have tried many forms and techniques of trauma work and therapy to ultimately heal my early-childhood traumas and recurring past-life imprints. Probably with moderate success. However, working with Tamar and the expansion technique allowed more sustaining progress of healing in all of my systems within just two months than I have ever experienced otherwise before.

For me, the expansion technique is one of the greatest and simplest tools of dealing with trauma, unpleasant and limiting feelings and emotions, sensations of meaninglessness and many others. I feel a deep, deep humbleness towards this technique and the power of the Expansion as it enables each of us humans to free ourselves from whatever is limiting us and directs us to become the best and strongest version of our innermost being on all levels – physically, mentally and spiritually.

Tamar has been a God-send and working with her has been an empowering and enlightening experience. I would highly recommend Tamar’s work to everybody wanting to break through old patterns and belief structures to pursue him/her authentic best self, to take charge of the unlimited capabilities of one’s being and to contact his/her ultimate divine essence.”

Dr. Hanna K.

“I don’t believe in spirituality and see myself as a scientific person, very rational and pragmatic. I felt a loss of control in my life that was bothering me very much and massed with my stability and felt I had enough after 35 years. I tried some conventional therapies which led to no essential change and frustrated me. I received a recommendation from a very close and trusted friend who is as rational as I am and I dared to try despite my initial resistance. I called Tamar and she shares with m her light. Tamar is a very wise woman, and simply amazing in her ability to recognize points of weakness and giving it a whole new point of view, something that I have not been able to recognize or see by myself. I cannot explain what exactly happens in the sessions with her but it is simply life-changing. Through her guidance and presence, I can go into a very wide and clear state of consciousness and look at all the traumas and obstacles that dragged me down all my life and stopped me from doing things, and then all those heavyweights turn to light feathers and disappear. I recommend Tamar whole-heartedly if you want to transform and feel light and powerful.”
N. S.

high-tech manager

“Tamar is a very skilled therapist. She is very patient during the expansion sessions and I felt safe, working with her the whole past year. I came to her through severe lack of self-confidence, depression and anxiety. I had just left a psychiatric hospital and no therapies had really worked all my teenage and adolescent years. I thought I was a hopeless case until I came across the Expansion method and through that to Tamar. Within 2-month, tremendous changes happened in my emotional and mental body, I felt more able to make plans, to be alone, to build my life. I felt love for the very first time in years and I managed to stay centered (with Tamar’s help), even during a difficult break up recently. Right now, I feel strong enough to face some further challenges alone, which would have never been the case before I met her. She really knows how to prepare you to be strong enough for yourself and to build trust in your abilities to manage life. I am beyond grateful for all her wisdom, support and love she gave me and many others will benefit from her knowledge.

What would have taken me probably a lifetime with „normal“ therapies, took me 10 months with Tamar. And even in these ten months, I experience so much joy and light, it felt so different from what I was used to in classic psychotherapy. You look at trauma and instantly heal the wound, and don’t just rip it open by talking about it. Thank you, Tamar, for everything. “

Livia Auer

“Before I came to the Expansion therapy, I heard of the many virtues and attributes of the method but I haven’t yet experienced a deep and meaningful process myself. from one session to the other I began to feel that I was getting in touch with depths I didn’t know I had in me and that I was touching painful places within me that seemed till then unsolvable. Today I feel that the time of the sessions was one of the most significant times in my life and in my development process as a person and since then I feel that many breakthroughs had took place in many aspects of my life that before were experienced as blocked and unclear to me. Beyond that there is no doubt that due to these sessions and my work with Tamar I acquired powerful and applicable tools for the everyday life that help me with my inner challenges and life in general. Tamar was embracing containing and loving and I felt that in times of abstruseness she knew how to rightly direct me back to myself and to listen gently to who I really am. There is no doubt she is a very perceptive guide who lives and breathes the Expansion Method.”
Eliran Motiuk

What does the mentoring process look like?

The mentoring program is a three months process, that includes 8 one on one (live or online) sessions (each session is two hours), practices and exercises you do alone at your home, specially recorded guided meditations to stabilize and balance the emotional system, and unique work based on the academic knowledge of power psychology and positive psychology.

We will work on your specific challenges and needs and create the breakthrough you need and want.


The 8 sessions will include working on these topics:

  • Evaluating and establishing the level of imbalance in the emotional system using unique questionnaires and scales and setting goals for the process.
  • Learning the secret behind negative emotions and how to transform chaos into stillness.
  • Moving beyond the victim-identity into the creator’s chair by learning you always have a choice and you are never without power.
  • Identifying central traumas in the emotional body and working on their release.
  • Learning the secret powers of the heart and the art of harnessing it in daily challenges.
  • Accelerating your emotional maturation through conscious use of the power of the mind.
  • Cultivating consciously the inner reservoir of positive emotions to support the stabilization process of the emotional system.

How to Apply

Before you begin the mentoring program, you will need to fill up some questionnaires and answer scales. It will help me create the most suitable program for you and it will help us measure and track your progress after we finish the program.

Participating in the mentoring program requires your total commitment to the process and a sense of readiness to change your life. To help you determine if you are ready for this process at this time, you will have an interview with me.

Investment: 3000 euros + VAT (payment plan is possible, up to 6 payments)

 For more details contact me here: