Work with me
The magic of transformation
You want to heal, evolve and become a source of inspiration through your conscious and loving presence. I would love to help you transform and achieve your goals .

Mentoring Packages
I offer mentoring programs intended to:
- Build your power center and increase your presence, self-confidence, authority and leadership.
- Cleanse your emotional center of unnecessary negativity and cultivate positivity so you can act with both kindness and clear precision.
- Empower your ability to unleash, express and bring out your distinctive colors to the world by fully understanding your unique design.

Build your power center
and lead your life
3-months mentoring program for women
Emotional Evolution
Discover the Alchemy of the Emotional Body
Heal – Mature – Evolve | 3-months mentoring program
Advanced trauma healing
I offer one-on-one Trauma Healing sessions using a powerful and transformative tool from the world of Positive Psychology and spiritual enlightenment – ‘The Expansion Method’.
This is a highly advanced and efficient process to overcome and release traumatic memories.

“After two years of intense work with Tamar, I can say that the person I wanted to be is finally here. I am not perfect and I can still lose my temper from time to time but I can manifest and express everything I longed for and wished for. I feel so high. All those sessions completely paid off because the more developed version of myself, the one I used to meet time and time again in the expanded states during the meeting with Tamar is now stable and present. I feel proud of myself like never before. I went through complex challenges and was able to handle it all so well.
I understand myself and my path much better and I don’t look for confirmations outside anymore. I see the people around me and how they behave and I can reach them and create together with them everything I need. I came to Tamar broken, weak and longing for a child, exhausted after failing to get pregnant and feeling as if I had lost any control over my life and Tamar gave me back the power and the ability to control from a calmer state of mind. I feel I should be Tamar’s “poster client” because I am a real success and the direct proof of her abilities as a therapist. Thank you, Tamar, from the bottom of my heart.”
What would have taken me probably a lifetime with „normal“ therapies, took me 10 months with Tamar. And even in these ten months, I experience so much joy and light, it felt so different from what I was used to in classic psychotherapy. You look at trauma and instantly heal the wound, and don’t just rip it open by talking about it. Thank you, Tamar, for everything. “
Tamar is a wonderful therapist, full of wisdom, love, sensitivity and a deep knowing of the human psyche and consciousness. I warmly recommend her sessions and courses”.

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Going Beyond Fear
Discover the essential steps to create a life free from negative imprints and be totally free. Just enter your email address to receive the eBook. (You will also receive a monthly positive and inspiring love note.)