Mentoring Programs

I offer mentoring programs intended to:

  • Build your power center and increase your presence, self-confidence, authority and leadership.
  • Cleanse your emotional center of unnecessary negativity and cultivate positivity so you can act with both kindness and clear precision.
  • Empower your ability to unleash, express and bring out your distinctive colors to the world by fully understanding your unique design.


Mentoring Packages

Build your power center

and lead your life

3-months mentoring program for women

Emotional Evolution

Discover the Alchemy of the Emotional Body

Heal – Mature – Evolve | 3-months mentoring program

I did the 8-week mentoring program with Tamar and already after 2-3 weeks I started to perceive the world differently, could understand myself and my difficulties better and was able to see things in a more clear way.

I came to Tamar with a challenge of being a mother, but also lacking inner power, being controlled by my emotions, feeling small and meaningless in a job context and other insecurities. Through the work with Tamar I’ve learnt to take responsibility for my emotions and my reactions. I have gained more inner power and have been able to get out of the circle of victimhood and wait for somebody to help me and save me. Tamar helped me to become more realistic, to learn to adjust my expectations and to accept things as they are. My emotions stabilized and I feel more mature and present.

I am able to observe myself in difficult situations and to differentiate between the habit reaction and a mature one, coming from the expended state of mind. The expansion method allowed me to work through many different challenges and led me to a clear, free and spacious state of mind. I’m very grateful to have met Tamar and her work.

Anita Twarowska

“My journey with Tamar was surprising and amazing. Tamar led me with her expertise, directness and skill towards dark places within me and helped transform them completely. As we went along the program, I felt myself relaxing on one hand and growing in power and confidence on the other hand. I had many deep insights about myself, my life and my choices and felt a great shift in my point of view. From feeling like a victim, especially when it comes to romantic relationships, I finally received an inner confirmation that it is just as well to be alone. As we went deeper, I started to understand my role and purpose in the world from a more stable and mature place within and feel a sense of peace and joy I didn’t know before. For me, Tamar is a kind, loving, powerful, confident and mature woman, the kind I wanted to become myself. With her guidance and unwavering presence, I felt I could take the necessary steps towards becoming the powerful woman I could be and I am deeply grateful. Thank you, Tamar, for believing in me even at times when I was doubting myself and thank you for mirroring me the highest version of myself. This process was and still is very meaningful to me.”


“After two years of intense work with Tamar, I can say that the person I wanted to be is finally here. I am not perfect and I can still lose my temper from time to time but I can manifest and express everything I longed for and wished for. I feel so high. All those sessions completely paid off because the more developed version of myself, the one I used to meet time and time again in the expanded states during the meeting with Tamar is now stable and present. I feel proud of myself like never before. I went through complex challenges and was able to handle it all so well.

I understand myself and my path much better and I don’t look for confirmations outside anymore. I see the people around me and how they behave and I can reach them and create together with them everything I need. I came to Tamar broken, weak and longing for a child, exhausted after failing to get pregnant and feeling as if I had lost any control over my life and Tamar gave me back the power and the ability to control from a calmer state of mind. I feel I should be Tamar’s “poster client” because I am a real success and the direct proof of her abilities as a therapist. Thank you, Tamar, from the bottom of my heart.”

A. R.

High-tech manager

“Tamar is a very skilled therapist. She is very patient during the expansion sessions and I felt safe, working with her the whole past year. I came to her through severe lack of self-confidence, depression and anxiety. I had just left a psychiatric hospital and no therapies had really worked all my teenage and adolescent years. I thought I was a hopeless case until I came across the Expansion method and through that to Tamar. Within 2-month, tremendous changes happened in my emotional and mental body, I felt more able to make plans, to be alone, to build my life. I felt love for the very first time in years and I managed to stay centered (with Tamar’s help), even during a difficult break up recently. Right now, I feel strong enough to face some further challenges alone, which would have never been the case before I met her. She really knows how to prepare you to be strong enough for yourself and to build trust in your abilities to manage life. I am beyond grateful for all her wisdom, support and love she gave me and many others will benefit from her knowledge.

What would have taken me probably a lifetime with „normal“ therapies, took me 10 months with Tamar. And even in these ten months, I experience so much joy and light, it felt so different from what I was used to in classic psychotherapy. You look at trauma and instantly heal the wound, and don’t just rip it open by talking about it. Thank you, Tamar, for everything. “

Livia Auer

“I was working with Tamar for two years. We worked on healing childhood traumas and hidden memories of trauma, and I could let go and set myself free from limiting patterns. We worked on my will-power and got to empower my presence in life the inner silence. The process with Tamar was amazing and a very significant part of my developmental path and of being who I am today.

Tamar is a wonderful therapist, full of wisdom, love, sensitivity and a deep knowing of the human psyche and consciousness. I warmly recommend her sessions and courses”.

Sufi Haim

Holistic therapist and events producer