Breaking Free fomr the Past

A step-by-step guide to releasing past traumas
and avoiding them in the future.

Thank You! – And Welcome!

You will Discover:


Gaining a clearer understanding of what trauma is.


Comprehending how trauma occurs and its potential impacts.


Learning strategies to free your system from traumatic memories.


Discovering how to prevent future trauma.


Getting to know the game changer in trauma work: the power of expanded states of consciousness.

Hello, my name is Tamar Brosh, and I’m a professional in the fields of trauma healing and positive psychology coaching. I specialize in facilitating emotional healing processes and training both professionals and individuals in the transformative expansion method. 

I firmly believe that by equipping ourselves with the right tools and harnessing the power of consciousness, we can achieve profound healing, liberate ourselves from the grip of negative past experiences, and lead lives free from unnecessary suffering.

Once you have a deeper understanding of the inner mechanisms of traumatic events, their implications, and ways to release and avoid them in the future, you could enjoy a sense of better inner health, flow, and stability, an increasing sense of inner power and self-responsibility, and easier access to meditative states.

So I wish you a healing and profound reading journey into your negative memories, their release, and ways to avoid their occurrence in the future.


What others say about Tamar and her work

Tamar is a wonderfully intuitive coach grounded in her mastered skills of the expansion method. She masterfully accompanies me through my process of self-discovery and self-healing, fosters and helps to maintain progress while gleaning all sorts of professional and personal insights. I’m coming away from each coaching session with a renewed sense of self, energy, and focus— propelling me forward and encouraging me to transform myself further. You can’t ask for a better guide on your journey to find your true self.

Robert Franke

Vice President Drama, ZDF Studios GmbH

I have personally worked with Tamar, and recommend my clients for her exceptional work with the Expansion method. For anyone who is curious to explore the subconscious mind, or wants to solve trauma, Tamar is an extraordinary guide that helps you profoundly evolve as a human.

Henri Meijer

entrepreneur, founder of Safe House

“After two years of intense work with Tamar, I can say that the person I wanted to be is finally here. I am not perfect and I can still lose my temper from time to time but I can manifest and express everything I longed for and wished for. I feel so high. All those sessions completely paid off because the more developed version of myself, the one I used to meet time and time again in the expanded states during the meeting with Tamar is now stable and present. I feel proud of myself like never before. I went through complex challenges and was able to handle it all so well.

I understand myself and my path much better and I don’t look for confirmations outside anymore. I see the people around me and how they behave and I can reach them and create together with them everything I need. I came to Tamar broken, weak and longing for a child, exhausted after failing to get pregnant and feeling as if I had lost any control over my life and Tamar gave me back the power and the ability to control from a calmer state of mind. I feel I should be Tamar’s “poster client” because I am a real success and the direct proof of her abilities as a therapist. Thank you, Tamar, from the bottom of my heart.”

A. R.

High-tech manager